Over the past few months, we’ve been promoting a Cincom-led talk for the monthly UK Smalltalk User Group Meetup. This meetup takes place once a month and has seen steady increases […]
On Wednesday, September 30, 2020, Cincom’s Niall Ross and Vladimir Degen will be giving a presentation at the monthly UK Smalltalk User Group Meetup. The subject of this online talk will be “AppeX: Writing JavaScript in the Cincom Smalltalk IDE”.
The UK Smalltalk User Group is excited about its next meeting, which will be on Wednesday, June 24. Fabio Niephaus will be talking to attendees about TruffleSqueak, which is a […]
As you read this, the final product media is being cut and burnt and tested. The software is done and as proof of that, you can actually start using it right now on Amazon Web Services.