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Collaborate, Innovate, and Succeed: Inside the Cincom Smalltalk Partner Program

Posted on in Categories Cincom, Cincom Smalltalk, Partners

What Is the Cincom Smalltalk Partner Promotion Program?

The Cincom Smalltalk Partner Program is designed to develop and maintain relationships with organizations and individuals who specialize in providing object-oriented solutions.

The criterion for a member is based on:

  • Ensuring that your technology, products, services, or applications complement the Cincom Smalltalk product line
  • Having a shared and aligned vision with Cincom and Cincom Smalltalk
  • Having an agreement to cross-link using our partner logo on your website that links to ours

As a member of the Partner Program, not only will you have the opportunity to benefit from the expertise of Cincom Smalltalk, but also tap into the vast experience of your fellow members. Our partners are your partners! Your participation in this program gives you the advantage of offering extended expertise that covers the entire lifecycle, from analysis and design to development, testing, technology transition, implementation, training, project management, and maintenance. Cincom Smalltalk is committed to building relationships within the System Integrator, Developer, and Software Vendor communities. Our Partner Program gives you a cost-effective way to explore and incorporate technology for your business.

  • To learn about the programs we offer partners, as well as a full list of benefits for joining the program, click here.

If you’re interested in collaborating together, expanding your reach, and building relationships within the Cincom Smalltalk community, we invite you to reach out to the Cincom Smalltalk STAR Team at