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Look at What Our Young Smalltalk Friend Max Is Up to Now!

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Max’s Lightning Talk presentation was on the game he created in Smalltalk. According to Suzanne Fortman, the Cincom Smalltalk Program Director and Engineering Manager,

“Max did a great job presenting, but he did an even better job confirming with everyone in attendance that Smalltalk is alive and well and will continue to grow well into the future. And, it was good to see Smalltalk come full circle.  After all, Smalltalk was originally created with simplicity that a fourth grader could comprehend, and Max did a great job of proving that.”

Team MallorcaBots

Now, Max and his brother, Felix, are taking on a new venture.  They have created the “MallorcaBot” as part of their participation in the Google LunarX Lego Moonbots challenge, which is an online, two-phase, global competition for ages 9 to 17.

To view the video “MoonBots 2014 – Team MallorcaBots – Back to the Moon for Good” via YouTube, click here.  Max and Felix also have a MallorcaBots blog.  Check it out by clicking here.

The enthusiasm, energy and eagerness that Max and Felix show reminds us of why we do what we do.  It also makes us realize how bright the future of Smalltalk really is!

Good luck to Max and Felix in this competition as they continue to impress us with their innovative and imaginative talents