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Cincom Announces Call for Papers for 19th Annual International Smalltalk Conference

Edinburgh, ScotlandJune 8, 2011—Cincinnati, OH— The International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies, the 19th annual European Smalltalk User Group (ESUG) conference will be held in Edinburgh, Scotland August 22-26, 2011. Software and service provider Cincom Systems is a platinum sponsor for the event.

The goals of the workshop are to create a forum around advances or experiences in Smalltalk and to prompt discussions and exchanges of ideas. Workshop participants are invited to submit papers of any length describing emerging ideas or reporting experiments and research results. Contributions on all aspects of Smalltalk-related topics, theoretical and practical, are welcome.


  • Aspect-oriented programming
  • Meta-programming and Meta-modeling
  • Frameworks
  • Interaction with other languages
  • Implementation, new dialects or languages implemented in Smalltalk
  • Tools
  • Design patterns
  • Experience reports


UPDATED:  The submission deadline for the research reports is Monday, June 27, 2011 and the notification deadline is July 15, 2011.

Submissions must be prepared using the ACM SIGPLAN 10 point format. Templates for Word and LaTeX are available at, along with useful information on how to write effective submissions.

About Smalltalk

Smalltalk is an object-oriented application development language for creating and maintaining portable, cross-platform business applications. Smalltalk helps you build applications quickly and efficiently from client-server systems to highly scalable web applications.

Since the early 90’s, industry technology gurus have participated in ESUG’s non-profit users’ organization that supports Smalltalk initiatives.

About Cincom

For 43 years, Cincom’s problem-solving software, services and people have helped thousands of companies all over the world grow and manage their businesses. For more information about Cincom’s products and services, contact Cincom at 1-800-2CINCOM (USA only), send an e-mail to or visit the company’s website at

Media Contact:
Maygan Eldridge
Corporate Public Relations