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Hidden Gems Tutorials: User Interfaces

Posted on in Categories Cincom Smalltalk, Hidden Gems

Hidden Gems Screencast

If you are interested in seeing the Cincom Smalltalk user interface for yourself, we have compiled a list of Hidden Gems screencasts that give a broad spectrum of capabilities:

  • Hidden Gems: Cincom ObjectStudio’s Next Generation User Interface – Cincom® ObjectStudio® has always been a native Windows UI, meaning the widgets are native Microsoft widgets. ObjectStudio’s NGUI lets you get the most out of Microsoft’s UI widgets, giving you more fine-grained access, control, and flexibility for your applications. This screencast demonstrates a basic example (hello world), then shows you where to find more examples that you can reuse for your applications.
  • Hidden Gems: Building with Cincom ObjectStudio Next Generation User Interface – Developing a Stock List/Chart interface using the ObjectStudio Next Generation User Interface
  • Hidden Gems: Custom Interactive Views – One of the most powerful capabilities in Cincom Smalltalk is the ability to build and use custom views that draw and behave exactly how you want them to.
  • Hidden Gems: Dynamic Interface Building – Building an application interface programmatically and dynamically. It reproduces an interface found on X at #LPLChartOfTheDay, which shows S&P 500 returns, on average, for every day of the year. The ability to construct interfaces programmatically and dynamically gives the developer incredible power and flexibility.
  • Hidden Gems: Drawing – Building custom drawing for tools for applications so users can custom-build widgets. Users can also have interaction with that drawing and even animation. This Hidden Gems also discusses using drawing in the classic model view controller architecture.
  • Hidden Gems: Drawing, Part 2 – Enhancing the basic application from the first video (Hidden Gems: Drawing) by using the model-view-controller architecture
  • Hidden Gems: Tabs: It’s Nothing, It’s Everything – Discussing one new feature that can make a significant improvement in your daily use of Smalltalk.