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Hidden Gems: Cincom ObjectStudio’s Next Generation User Interface

Posted on in Categories Hidden Gems

Many of the Hidden Gems try to tie together many techniques into a cohesive application.

We built a Stock domain and showed how to create it from restful, secure TLS APIs, including parsing JSON/XML data to populate it.  We also showed multiple ways to save and restore the objects, including how to build a robust application object database for series data storage and retrieval.

All of these techniques can be used with Cincom Smalltalk products including Cincom® ObjectStudio® and Cincom® VisualWorks®.

However, there are differences in how you build application interfaces with the two products.  A main difference is the interface.  ObjectStudio, a Windows-centric solution, has an interface library that works with native windows widgets.  VisualWorks is cross-platform and has Smalltalk-based widgets that can use native rendering for fidelity on Windows and MacOS.

Recently, we built a Stock List/Chart interface with VisualWorks, and today we’re building a Stock List/Chart interface using the ObjectStudio Next-Generation-User-Interface (NGUI).

The ObjectStudio NGUI will be enhanced with tools in the future, but you can do amazing things with it right now.

This screencast shows you how to use it and some of what it can do: