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Tom Nies

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Feature of the Month: Relational Databases

Component of the Month

Cincom Smalltalk supports connectivity to all major relational databases

Last month we highlighted StoreForGlorpReplication. This component allows replication of bundles and packages between Store databases. Store is an integrated source code management and version control system for team development in Cincom® VisualWorks®. Store can use a variety of popular, commercially available database systems (e.g., Oracle, SQLServer, PostgreSQL, SQLite3 and DB2). The public repository uses a PostgreSQL database. 

NOTE: You can use these relational databases for Store and/or as the database for your applications.

  • If you would like more information on the Store Repository, click here.

This month, we are sharing a feature of the Cincom Smalltalk Foundation. Cincom Smalltalk supports connectivity to all major relational databases including Oracle, Sybase, SQL Server®, PostgreSQL, MySQL, DB/2 and SQLite. VisualWorks also connects easily with OODBMS systems.

  • To learn more about features of the Cincom Smalltalk Foundation, click here.
  • To learn more about Cincom® ObjectStudio®, click here.
  • To learn more about Cincom VisualWorks, click here.