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Looking to Better Organize Your Smalltalk Windows?

Posted on in Categories Hidden Gems

If you need options to organize your Smalltalk windows as you are developing, then this month’s new Hidden Gems screencast is just for you! How many times are there too many browser windows open that hinder you from finding one in particular? Or what if you want to close all of your browser windows quickly and easily so you can start all over? 

Cascading your Smalltalk windows to find what you want or programmatically closing all of your browsers with the click of a button is the solution. This allows you to arrange and better manage your windows for organization and productivity. 

Some other tips shared in this screencast include: 

  • Resizing a window to its preferred size 
  • Bringing a window to the front 
  • Finding your Screen size 
  • … and more 

We use browsers in this example, but you can do the same with your applications. 

This screencast is part of the Techniques Series, which shows various techniques of how to accomplish or solve different tasks, as well as the Tools Series, which explores some tools and product features that developers should find useful.

If you have questions, comments, ideas for other Smalltalk examples or suggestions for future Hidden Gems, please send an email to the Cincom Smalltalk Product Team at