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Hidden Gems: How Cincom® ObjectStudio® Helps Monitor Windows Processes

Posted on in Categories Hidden Gems, ObjectStudio, Smalltalk

Monitoring the status of the Windows operating system and its processes is essential to effectively managing system resources, evaluating and making decisions about your system.  But what advantages come with monitoring your Windows operating system?

Among other things, monitoring the operating system can:

  • Access information on the status of running applications, including background tasks
  • Access system statuses in real time
  • Improve the performance of maintenance items and tasks
  • Reduce cost

This month’s Hidden Gems screencast shows a tool in Cincom ObjectStudio that may be of interest to any Windows user. This screencast gives an introduction of where to find and how to load these system tools. The demonstrated tool can explore Windows processes and resources, and also serve as an example of how to access low level Windows functionality from Smalltalk.

Watch this demonstration here:

Not a Smalltalk developer? 

You don’t need to be! Download Cincom ObjectStudio now to take advantage of these powerful Windows monitoring tools.