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What Is “Fintech” and How Can It Work with Cincom Smalltalk?

Posted on in Categories Fintech, Smalltalk

The financial services industry has many types of businesses involved in managing money while playing a major role in the world’s economy. This industry is massive and includes companies for investing, lending, insuring, securities trading, asset management, financial advising, accounting and foreign exchange among others.

As technology has changed and improved over the years, new segments of the financial services industry have emerged. One example of this is Financial Technology, or Fintech, which is “… new tech that seeks to improve and automate the delivery and use of financial services.” (Investopedia) 

Working with companies in the financial services industry is nothing new for Cincom and Cincom Smalltalk, having successful customers, partners and users like JP Morgan. From a personnel standpoint, Arden Thomas, the Cincom Smalltalk Product Manager, has had more than three decades of professional and personal interest in stock charting and technical analysis. Before coming to Cincom, Arden had several years of experience developing in Smalltalk for a hedge fund.

In the future, Arden will be creating some new screencasts designed specifically for technical analysis. In the meantime, we have culled some of our current Hidden gems screencasts and re-titled them so that they make sense for those looking for this topic. To check out a subset of this screencast series that focuses on using Cincom Smalltalk for stock charting, interactive charts, data APIs and data persistence capabilities for building applications in Cincom Smalltalk, click here.