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“Hunt for Treasure” with Smalltalk at code.talks 2015

Posted on in Categories Events, Smalltalk

Christian Haider
Christian Haider

Christian and Helge will present the “Schatzkarte” (treasure map), a web application that enables people to hunt for their treasures—i.e., find out where the authorities have spent the taxes paid by citizens. Giving people this fundamental information is a basic necessity that empowers them to execute their democratic rights.

While providing some data on a web platform may sound trivial, it isn’t. It imposes all kinds of challenges at the domain, technical and UX levels, not to mention the organizational and political issues.

Helge Nowak
Helge Nowak

Christian will explain why he chose Cincom® VisualWorks® with the Smalltalk/JavaScript Web Application Server AppeX to meet these challenges.

And since they are at code.talks, Christian and Helge will talk about code—code that demonstrates how to tackle challenges like these.

About code.talks 2015

code.talks is a vibrant developer conference organized by developers for developers.  It has a reputation as being the largest reunion of the developer scene, gathering some 1,500 participants. Conference attendees can choose from a 13-track agenda that includes 110 exciting presentations that focus on innovative, yet practical topics. code.talks The presenters come from a wide range of companies, including those who you would not usually see at conferences. This results in unexpected insights and fresh perspectives on a variety of topics.

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