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Argentine University Chooses Smalltalk

Posted on in Categories Academics, Smalltalk

We all know about Smalltalk’s versatility and the wide range of areas in which Smalltalk can be a great tool, and one of these areas is education.

Apparently the Universidad Nacional de San Martin (UNSAM) saw Smalltalk’s value as well, since the Argentine University chose it as their object-oriented programming language of choice.

UNSAM, which is located in beautiful Buenos Aires, Argentina, is a free, public and national university that was created in 1992.  It offers an extensive degree program including post-graduate degrees, and is characterized for developing innovative academic offerings in diversified areas that cover basic and applied sciences, social sciences, human sciences and health sciences.

We welcome the university to the Smalltalk family, and know that they’ll be happy with Smalltalk.

For more information on the university, click here.