The Cincom SmalltalkResolutions Newsletter is one of the many benefits of being a Cincom Smalltalk customer and was created to be a useful tool in making it easier to do business with Cincom. In this monthly newsletter, customers will find things like:
The latest Hidden Gems screencast
Featured Cincom Smalltalk programs
Upcoming activities and Smalltalk events
However, the most important reason we publish the Cincom Smalltalk Resolutions Newsletter is to let customers know what’s going on with the product since the last release so they can see what resolutions might be available to them.
If you are a current Cincom Smalltalk customer and are interested in receiving the Cincom Smalltalk Resolutions Newsletter, simply fill out the form on this page. Be sure to include your customer number, as only current Cincom Smalltalk customers have access to the Resolutions email.
Hear more about the Cincom Smalltalk Resolutions Newsletter from Kimberly Thomas, the Director, Global Product Support, here:
How do I subscribe to Cincom Smalltalk Resolutions? You can subscribe in one of two ways: Next time you request the product, be sure to leave the “Opt In” checkbox checked and you will automatically be enrolled on […]...
How do I request older versions of Cincom Smalltalk? Visit and in the “Delivery Options” section, select “Other” and type in the version you need....
How do I order the current version of Cincom Smalltalk? To order your current version of Cincom® ObjectStudio® or Cincom® VisualWorks®, visit our Customer Product Request Form at and fill out the form. Be sure to have your current customer number when […]...