Cherniak Software develops custom client solutions using a CASE tool written in Cincom® VisualWorks® and GemStone. We have added a Seaside interface that uses the VisualWorks window specifications for component layout and the CASE tool meta data for behavior. No additional coding by the application developer is required. Each Seaside session uses a dedicated image so session handling is consistent with the fat client. Aside from providing us with an automated web interface, we find considerable benefit from the code being Smalltalk all the way down. We have even been able to leverage the VisualWorks OpenTalk image to image interface for load balancing, using Apache.
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Call for Participation in the Smalltalk Devroom at FOSDEM 2012 FOSDEM 2012, Europe’s biggest free and non-commercial event, will be meeting in Brussels, Belgium on February 4-5, and a Devroom for Pharo, Squeak, GST, Etoilé, Seaside and Moose Smalltalk projects will take place on Sunday, February 5 from 9:00 a.m until 5:00 p.m. in room AW1.126....
Web Development In these tutorials, we discuss Seaside, Seaside components, working with Seaside and the Web Toolkit. Seaside Tutorial Additional Seaside Components Overview Working with Seaside Working with the Web Toolkit...