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What Is ResponsiveDictionary, and What Can Developers Do with It?

Posted on in Categories Hidden Gems, Smalltalk

One of the most successful video series we publish is the Hidden Gems Screencast, a series produced by Arden Thomas, the Cincom Smalltalk™ Product Manager. Arden created this series for developers who are passionate about their use of Cincom Smalltalk and want to learn more about its productivity and ease of use. This brand-new Hidden Gems shows you how to build and use a “ResponsiveDictionary” type of dictionary/collection.

ResponsiveDictionary allows you to send a key as a message instead of #at: key.

ResponsiveDictionary makes use of an interesting “intercept” technique that will be familiar to Smalltalk veterans.

Watch this NEW Hidden Gems screencast below, or click here.

Please send comments and suggestions to Arden at