Largest Provider of Commercial Smalltalk
Cincom is one of the largest commercial providers of Smalltalk, with twice as many customers and partners as other commercial providers.

Tom Nies

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Smalltalk Digest: July Edition

ESUG#ESUG16 Is Almost Here!

Want to find out about some hidden gems regarding Cincom Smalltalk? Then make plans to come to one of the most anticipated Smalltalk events, the 24th European Smalltalk User Group Conference (#ESUG16), which will take place in Prague, Czechia on August 22-26, 2016. Cincom is a platinum sponsor of this major event, and several Cincom Smalltalk team members will be attending and available to discuss our products and product direction. We couldn’t be more excited about having the opportunity to interact with other Smalltalk enthusiasts from around the globe.

  • Register here

#ESUG16 Conference News, Information and Scheduling

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Personal Use License (PUL) Versions of Cincom ObjectStudio and Cincom VisualWorks Available

We are pleased to announce that the Personal Use License (PUL) versions of Cincom ObjectStudio and Cincom VisualWorks are now available! This release includes the maintenance releases of Cincom ObjectStudio 8.7.1 and Cincom VisualWorks 8.1.1. For more information about these new releases, click here.

Agile Visualization Enters Last Reviewing Phase

Agile Visualization has now entered the last reviewing phase. The book will soon be available for sell, and feedback from the VisualWorks community is highly encouraged. The book uses screenshots made with Pharo and most of the examples and scripts should work equally well with VisualWorks. For additional information, click here.

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Citizen Development

Due to a number of reasons including decreased budgets and time constraints, citizen developers are becoming more and more prevalent at a steady pace, and the Cincom Smalltalk team is definitely on top of this trend. Click here for more information on this topic including links to a couple of very interesting articles.

How Raspberry Pi, a Windows Phone and Cincom Smalltalk Worked to Improve a German Exhibit

Adventure World German Language, a museum-quality exhibit that showcases the extensive history of the German language, went through a significant expansion in 2015, with all of the programming being done using Cincom VisualWorks. After it was decided that a good exhibit could be made even better, Cincom VisualWorks once again is the tool of choice. Click here for more information.

Rapid Web Application Development with AppeX and the Chrome Development Tools

This two-part article serves as both an introduction to AppeX’s “JSFile” framework, which will be available in VW8.2, as well as an exploration of the motivation behind the JSFile framework. Click here for part 1, “Motivation for the AppeX JSFile Externalization Framework” and click here for part 2,”Using JSFiles in Conjunction with the Chrome Development Tools.”

  • See AppeX in action at #ESUG16.

Get Social with Cincom Smalltalk

Our website is a virtual goldmine with a wealth of knowledge found throughout the many pages on our site. Did you know we also have an active social media presence? Click here for more information on getting social with Cincom Smalltalk.

Version 1.4 of the PDF Library PDF4Smalltalk Released to the Public Store (with MIT License)

Christian Haider of Smalltalked Visuals GmbH tells us that version 1.4 of the PDF library PDF4Smalltalk has been released to the public store (with MIT license). The library now supports Smalltalk images (pictures) to be inserted into PDFs. For additional information, click here.

How to Use ODBCEXDI to Handle JSON Data in Cincom VisualWorks

JSON data type support has been popular in the last few years since it provides greater flexibility for users. In this article, we will demonstrate how to use ODBCEXDI to handle JSON data in VisualWorks. Click here for the article.

**NEW** Hidden Gems Screencast Series

The purpose of the Hidden Gems Screencast is to make developers who use Cincom Smalltalk aware of the useful abilities of the products that may not be obvious. Click here to see how Cincom Smalltalk Product Manager, Arden Thomas, intends to uncover those “hidden gems.” Click here to access the new Hidden Gems video, which discusses “Store”.

Q&A Regarding Visual Wave Migration

A Cincom Smalltalk customer recently asked a very pertinent question regarding the migration from Visual Wave in Cincom VisualWorks 7.* to VisualWorks 8.1, and members of our Cincom Smalltalk engineering team were more than happy to provide a detailed response. Click here for this Q&A.

UK Smalltalk User Group

The UK Smalltalk User Group will be meeting on July 25 in London, England. Click here for more information.

Toronto Smalltalk User Group

The Toronto Smalltalk User Group will be meeting on September 12 in Toronto, Canada. Click here for more information.

Camp Smalltalk

Camp Smalltalk will be held in Prague, Czech Republic on August 21, just prior to the ESUG 2016 Conference. Click here for more information.

The 24th International Smalltalk Joint Conference (ESUG 2016)

The 24th International Smalltalk Joint Conference (ESUG 2016) will take place in Prague, Czech Republic on August 22-16, 2016. For additional information, click here.

IWST16 — International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies

IWST16 (the International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies) will take place in Prague, Czech Republic on August 23, 2016. For more information, click here.


SPLASH 2016 will be held at the Mövenpick Hotel, Amsterdam City Centre in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on October 30 through November 4, 2016. Click here for more information, including details on submitting contributions to this important conference.

Update on Smalltalk Events

Click here for an update on Smalltalk-related events you may want to attend.

News from the Cincom Smalltalk Team

Click here to get Smalltalk news from the Cincom Smalltalk team.

Cincom Smalltalk Community Blogs

There are many blogs run by the Cincom Smalltalk Group now. Check them out by clicking here.

Cincom Supporting Customer and Partner Success

The Cincom Smalltalk Team is extending an offer to its current users to let us assist in helping to promote their applications or services. For more information, or if you are interested in participating in this offer, click here.

Do You Have an Event That You Would Like to Have Promoted?

Do you have a Camp Smalltalk, Smalltalk conference or other event that you would like promoted? We can help. Click here to find out how.

Contributed Components

Looking for a particular contributed component? Find all that are available with our current product offerings here.

The Cincom Smalltalk Academic Program

With a goal of increasing the quality of the available system design and engineering training, providing higher-quality engineers and developers to the industry and users, and expanding the Smalltalk community, we suggest that you look into the Cincom Smalltalk Academic Program. Click here to read all about it.

“Common Tools” Tutorial Videos Available

The Cincom Smalltalk Team has made a series of several new tutorials available. The first set of tutorials focuses on “Common Tools” and how many of these tools, which are used for development in Cincom ObjectStudio and Cincom VisualWorks, are now shared.

  • For information on the System Browser Overview tutorial, click here.
  • For information on the Core Browser Usage tutorial, click here.
  • For information on the Inspector Tool tutorial, click here.
  • For information on the Debugger Overview tutorial, click here.
  • For information on the Debugger Usage tutorial, click here.
  • For information on the Version Control tutorial, click here.
  • For information on the Process Monitor tutorial, click here.
  • For information on the Code Recovery tutorial, click here.

Product Information Tutorials Available

The Cincom Smalltalk Team has launched a series of several new tutorials for introducing our products.

  • For information on the Cincom ObjectStudio Product Introduction tutorial, click here.
  • For information on the Cincom VisualWorks Product Launcher tutorial, click here.
  • For information on the Cincom ObjectStudio GUI Designer, Part One tutorial, click here.
  • For information on the Cincom VisualWorks Product Introduction tutorial, click here.
  • For information on the Cincom ObjectStudio GUI Designer, Part Two tutorial, click here.
  • For information on the Cincom ObjectStudio Modeling Tool Overview tutorial, click here.
  • For information on the Setting Up Your Environment tutorial, click here.

Visit the Smalltalk Jobs Blog

Are you interested in a Smalltalk-related job? Cincom Smalltalk Support Engineer James Savidge keeps the Smalltalk community up-to-date regarding Smalltalk opportunities throughout the community. The Smalltalk Jobs Blog posts Smalltalk-related career opportunities from around the globe. Click here to see what’s available.