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Smalltalks 2012: Call for Participation and Submissions

Posted on in Categories Events, Smalltalk

Smalltakers from around the globe will be attending this international event that will feature outstanding keynotes and a research track for papers complete with published proceedings and an outstanding program committee, as well as an industry track.

Conference organizers are seeking submissions for papers and conference participation from attendees.  And, since the conference is being held in Argentina, there will be a definite Latin influence to this important event.  Therefore, a Spanish version of the Smalltalks 2012 Call for Submissions/Participation is included below, along with the English version.

Smalltalks 2012 Call for Submissions/Participation − ENGLISH

The Fundación Argentina de Smalltalk (FAST, invites you to the 6th Argentine Smalltalk Conference, to be held on November 7, 8 and 9, 2012 at the Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco located in Puerto Madryn, Argentina.

Everyone, including teachers, students, researchers, developers and entrepreneurs, are welcome as speakers or attendees. Registration is free and now open at

The goal of the Conference is to strengthen the bonds between the Argentine and the international Smalltalk community through the exchange of works, experiences and anecdotes connected with this technology and related matters.

As in the previous editions, renowned members of the international Smalltalk community will visit us, and like last year we will have a Research Session with publications reviewed by an international committee.

Also, the traditional Industry Track will be available for those who prefer a more practical environment. You can submit papers or talks now through our website at:

For more information about related events, such as a Pharo Sprint or related talks and presentations, please visit

For any questions please contact us at

See you there!

Smalltalks 2012 Call for Submissions/Participation − SPANISH

La Fundación Argentina de Smalltalk (FAST, los invita a la 6ta Conferencia de Smalltalk de Argentina, a realizarse desde el 7 al 9 de Noviembre del 2012 en la Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco de Puerto Madryn.

Esperamos verlos a todos entre la audiencia o como oradores, ya sean profesores, estudiantes, investigadores, desarrolladores o empresarios. La registración es gratis y está disponible en

El objetivo de la conferencia es afianzar los vínculos entre las comunidades Smalltalk de Argentina y del mundo y con todo desarrollador, educador o investigador que utilice el paradigma de Objetos. Esto lo lograremos a través del intercambio de trabajos, experiencias y vivencias conectadas con esta tecnología.

Nuevamente en esta edición nos visitarán personalidades de renombre de la comunidad internacional y contaremos con un track de investigación formal con publicaciones y referato de un comité internacional.

Contaremos también con el tradicional track de industria para aquellos que prefieran un ambiente más práctico. Pueden suscribir sus propuestas de charlas o papers mediante nuestra página web en

Para obtener mayor información acerca de otros eventos relacionados con la conferencia, como por ejemplo un Pharo Sprint o una serie de charlas y presentaciones coordinada con Smalltalks, pueden visitar

Cualquier duda no dejen de consultarla enviando un mail a

Nos vemos en la conferencia!

For additional conference information, please visit