Largest Provider of Commercial Smalltalk
Cincom is one of the largest commercial providers of Smalltalk, with twice as many customers and partners as other commercial providers.

Tom Nies

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Partner Spotlight: JOOPS for Information Technology

Solutions for Managing and Optimizing Business Processes

Since 1988, JOOPS for Information Technology has developed solutions in various fields for its customers. Since 2004, their business focus has been on the BPM-/Workflow-System OfficeTalk as a central solution for managing and optimizing business processes.  The system was developed by JOOPS and supports companies in all industries, ranging from tax firms over facility management to production companies and property managers. OfficeTalk is used for traditional enterprise customers as an enterprise solution, and IT systems companies as an OEM product.

“Using Cincom Smalltalk for OfficeTalk allowed us to create a powerful product for process, workflow and process control. … With the powerful technology and the comprehensive toolset of Cincom Smalltalk, we can develop innovative solutions faster and easier than with comparable platforms from other manufacturers. The new solutions are also seamlessly integrated—so that both the acquisition and integration costs of OfficeTalk are lower by half than competitive products.”  – Josef Springer, Director of JOOPS Information Technology Ltd.

  • To learn more about JOOPS, click here.