PackageDescription: XML-source-variants

XML -source -variants

Last published: October 30, 2007 by 'NiallRoss'

Defines 6 Classes
Extends 7 Classes

I hold variant formats for XML source file-in/file-out.
- XMLFirstFindSourceFileFormat resolves bindings by looking up their simpleName from the fileInEnvironment namespace. This is useful if you have hacked a VW-XML-markup utility in a single-namespace dialect but cannot easily deduce (i.e. while in that dialect) what namespace a given superclass or extended class occupies in VW7.
- XMLCrLfSourceFileFormat preserves LF characters embedded in source (typically in strings) when filing-in in certain situations (see class comments for details). This can be useful when, for example, test assertions handling interaction with other utilities, e.g. PDF generation, have LFs embedded in strings that must not be lost. ChunkSourceFileFormat preserves them but basic XMLSourceFileFormat does not.

If FileOut30 1.36 (or derived from it) is loaded, the labels of variants will appear in the Settings-Source page and can be chosen for file-out; otherwise you must set them by hand. To use variants when filing-in, ensure that (as will be the case if it was filed-out in that variant format) the first text in the file-in is #NameOfSubclassOfXMLSourceFileFormat!