PackageDescription: SSPI


Last published: November 16, 2018 by 'klnsrgn'

Defines 8 Classes
Extends 11 Classes

Creates credentials of the logged-on user using the Windows SSPI library. No username/password must be supplied. Also supports integrated proxy authentication (e.g. Microsoft Forefront proxy server).

" Use the SSPI library. Don't add an authentication token to the first request "
HttpClient new
get: 'http://localhost/protected.html'

" Use the SSPI library. also add an authentication token (Negotiate) to the first request "
HttpClient new
get: 'http://localhost/protected.html'

" Use the SSPI library. also add an authentication token (NTLM) to the first request "
HttpClient new
get: 'http://localhost/protected.html'

" Use a proxy server with integrated authentication "
Net.HttpClient new
useWindowsProxyServer: '';
get: ''

This package is Public Domain.