PackageDescription: RBDynamicProtocols

RB Dynamic Protocols

Last published: July 17, 2009 by 'karsten'

Defines 19 Classes
Extends 33 Classes

In RB, when you select a class, you get a list of method categories (or protocols). This package puts this concept to the extreme. New protocols are dynamically added based on the class content. Here is a list of some protocols you will find in this package:

- HaltUsage: lists the methods with breakpoints or halts.
- Required: list methods that need to be implemented in order to make your class concrete (shows subclass responsibilities and methods that are sent but not implemented)
- Deleted: lists the methods that have been deleted.

If a protocol does not contain any method, it is not shown.

It is easy to write your own dynamic protocols. Have a look at the class DynamicProtocol. You are only limited by your imagination and needs.