PackageDescription: ExtraEmphases

Extra Emphases

Last published: June 1, 2015 by 'stevek'

Defines 23 Classes
Extends 31 Classes

This parcel adds super/sub script attributes to the font system. Try the following:

"| txt ct cp vb|
txt := 'X' asText.
txt := txt , ('2' asText emphasizeAllWith: #superscript).
txt := txt, ' + Y' asText.
txt := txt , ('2' asText emphasizeAllWith: #superscript).
txt := txt, ' + Z' asText.
txt := txt , ('2' asText emphasizeAllWith: #superscript).
txt := txt, ' = 0' asText.
ct := ComposedText withText: txt.
vb := VisualBlock block: [:gc :box | gc display: ct at: box origin] bounds: (0@0 corner: 100 @ 40).
cp := CompositePart new.
cp add: vb in: (0@0 extent: 1@1).
ApplicationWindow new component: cp; openWithExtent: vb bounds extent"

It also changes the PDP highlighting probe annotation scheme to use something other than standard emphases.