PackageDescription: Date Compiler

Date Compiler

Last published: June 30, 2004 by 'dkbuck'

Defines 1 Classes
Extends 1 Classes

This class uses the Parser Generator to read dates from several string formats.

DateStringCompiler readFrom: 'today'
DateStringCompiler readFrom: 'tomorrow'
DateStringCompiler readFrom: 'yesterday'
DateStringCompiler readFrom: 'last week'
DateStringCompiler readFrom: 'next week'
DateStringCompiler readFrom: 'friday'
DateStringCompiler readFrom: 'next friday'
DateStringCompiler readFrom: 'last friday'
DateStringCompiler readFrom: 'Jan 3, 2004'
DateStringCompiler readFrom: 'January 3, 2004'
DateStringCompiler readFrom: '12/25/2005'
DateStringCompiler readFrom: '2004-06-29'
DateStringCompiler readFrom: 'June 6'
DateStringCompiler readFrom: '6-June-2004'

This code was developed by David Buck (

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