PackageDescription: BuilderBundle(Bundle)

Builder Bundle

Last published: March 27, 2017 by 'mmostert'

Exists simply to allow file attachments used in the tests. To add those files, do the following:

bundle := Store.Registry bundleNamed: 'BuilderBundle'.
bundle addFile: 'testBuildScripts/'.
bundle addFile: 'testBuildScripts/build-Simple.ini'.
bundle addFile: 'testBuildScripts/'.
bundle addFile: 'testBuildScripts/build-missing-defs.ini'.

And an example of a build - this assumes a package called MyCounter", which defines a subsystem and a simple UI as the
example for the build.

bundle := Store.Registry bundleNamed: 'BuilderBundle'.
bundle addFile: 'build-test-counter.ini'.
bundle addFile: ''.
bundle addFile: ''.
bundle addFile: ''.
bundle addFile: ''

You can manage them from the publish tool once they are manually added