Largest Provider of Commercial Smalltalk
Cincom is one of the largest commercial providers of Smalltalk, with twice as many customers and partners as other commercial providers.

Tom Nies

All posts by Jeremy Jordan

Jeremy is the Marketing Director for the Smalltalk STAR Team at Cincom Systems, Inc. His primary role is to help you, our valued viewer, get the information you came to our site to get. If you have any questions, concerns or comments, or need additional information, feel free to contact him at your convenience.

John McIntosh At Smalltalk Solutions ’11

John McIntoshJohn McIntosh lives on Vancouver Island, Canada. He has spent the last 15 years working on numerous Smalltalk projects; most notably the Squeak/Tweak based “Sophie” app for the Future of the Book.

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Support Coaching Session 3: Resolution Intensive (Not Just Any New Year’s Resolution)

This coaching session discusses resolutions that are designed to handle a single, specific problem.

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