PackageDescription: Shoji(Bundle)


Last published: July 17, 2007 by 'mroberts'

Shoji is a simple content management framework (CMF) written in VisualWorks.

It is implemented using the VisualWorks Application Server (VWAS), and the OmniBase OODBMS.

* Transaction interface
* User and Group management
* Document and Section management
* Indexing and Searching of documents

To run Shoji, a collection of server pages are needed in addition to this bundle. Complete documentation can be found in the file "Readme-Shoji.html" that accompanies the server pages. Unit tests are provided in the bundle "Shoji-Tests".

The Shoji application model is class ShojiApplication, located in the "Shoji-Serving" package. See its class comment for details.

The transaction layer is contained in the package "Shoji-Transactions". It consists of a single broker class with transaction protocol for all basic objects in the Shoji domain model (the domain classes may be found in the package "Shoji-PersistentObjects"). Applications using Shoji may add transaction protocol by subclassing the broker (each application has an associated broker class).

Application logic is implemented in the classes ShojiApplication, ShojiSession, and ShojiPageModel, but largely in the server pages.

The Shoji CMF is free for both commercial and non-commercial uses under the terms of the OSI Artistic License:

For commercial uses, the VisualWorks commercial license applies. Additionally, the Shoji CMF is prohibited for use in the oil or military industries. Source code and documentation are copyrighted (c) by M. Downing Roberts.