PackageDescription: RBSUnitExtensions

RBS Unit Extensions

Last published: February 15, 2019 by 'nross'

Defines 1 Classes
Extends 7 Classes

This package adds an extension to the Source code tool. Whenever the selection includes one or more test cases, it displays a UI that shows the number of tests selected and lets you run those test cases from the browser. (It is a prerequisite of RBSUnitShowResult, which adds the feature of displaying each test's most recent result as an icon against its method.)

Remarks on some particular points
Inheritance of tests: if a test case class is defined in a selected pundle, the tool counts the tests whose methods are defined in that pundle, and also any tests that class inherits from superclasses. If a test case class is extended in a selected pundle, the tool counts the tests whose methods are defined in that pundle, and any tests that the class inherites from superclasses and that are also defined in that pundle. A test only ever appears once in a given selection: it is possible that a test defined in an extended superclass of an extended subclass could appear and be run when the extending pundle (only) was selected, and be rerun when the subclass' defining pundle was selected, but it would only be run once if both were selected.

Pluggable TestSuites and TestResults: use TestCase class>>suiteClass: to plug in a more specific TestSuite class. For an example of how TestResult subclasses may be plugged in and written by tests instead of, or as well as, the above, see TestSkip and references in that parcel and in SUnitResourcePatternTests. See the comment in SUnit for more information.