PackageDescription: IFC


Last published: November 28, 2019 by 'stevek'

Defines 13 Classes
Extends 13 Classes

Parser for IFC files (ISO-10303-21) from ARCHICAD IFC export. Can output a similar IFC for import to SketchUp Make 2017 via SimLab IFC importer, converting Renovation Status to a suffix on the name of the corresponding element, and non-ASCII accented characters to their unaccented versions.

"IFCParser creates IFC.File, which can perform the conversion and print itself as the result"
ifc := IFCParser parseStream: 'input.ifc' asFilename readStream.
ifc nameByRenovationStatus. "also removes accents"

ifc := 'output.ifc' asFilename writeStream.
[ifc printOn: ws] ensure: [ws close].