PackageDescription: Glorp DB2

Glorp DB 2

Last published: December 22, 2008 by 'btaylor1'

Defines 3 Classes
Extends 4 Classes

DB2 Glorp package supports the integration of Glorp with IBM's DB2 database. At this point, it has only been tested with the iSeries database (DB2 on the AS/400).
There is a problem with the Db2Sequence at this point in that it looks in a schema that is specific to the iSeries. This will be corrected in a future version.
Glorp.Db2Sequence nextSequenceNumberSelectString
^'SELECT nextval for ' , self qualifiedName , ' FROM QSYS2.TABLES FETCH FIRST 1 ROW ONLY'

At this point, the system runs all of the test from the GlorpTest bundle, but fails on 2 assertions.
The order seems to be wrong at this point. This will also be cleaned up in a future release.