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Munich Smalltalk User Group Plan Its First Meetup for 2020

Posted on in Categories Events, Meetups

Organizers of the Munich Smalltalk User Group decided to postpone its third event to early 2020. The meetup will take place on Friday, January 24 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Café Ludwig, Klopstockstraße 10 München, BY.

With relaxed, open discussions about everything that’s Smalltalk related, the meetup will be hosted by Andre Marquis who says, “I’m a fascinated long-term Smalltalk fan. For me, Smalltalk is still a source of innovation and inspiration. As I love to discuss these insights with others, I’m happy to meet like-minded people in order to relaunch this Munich group.

For more information, click here. Or, if you plan on attending, click here.

We hope to see you there!