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How Can PUL Users Receive the Latest Release?

Posted on in Categories Cincom, Smalltalk

A few years back, the Cincom Smalltalk STAR Team made the decision to limit the maintenance releases of Cincom Smalltalk to customers only, leaving the major releases of Cincom ObjectStudio and Cincom VisualWorks only available as our Personal Use License (PUL) versions. So, if the maintenance releases are limited to customers only, how can PUL users receive this latest release?

Become a Customer!!!

A valuable program available for this exact situation is the REV Program. The REV program is an opportunity for Personal Use License users to take their passion to the next level and create their own businesses by becoming a Cincom Smalltalk customer.  But, what value comes with being a Cincom Smalltalk customer?  What benefits do we give customers that a general user never receives with the PUL? 

Benefits that customers receive:

  • The full product
  • Full support for the product
  • An opportunity to join the Developer Program to get early beta releases of our product, to see where we are taking our product and give comment and feedback to help us build out the future of commercial Smalltalk
  • An opportunity to join the Partner Promotion Program to promote their application, help them develop the right markets or find the right space to promote what they have been working on

Are You Ready to Take Your Business to the Next Level?

This quick, easy way to partner with us and grow your business is only $500 and is a great investment that could pay big dividends as you grow your business. Don’t let another day go by. Let’s grow your business together and take your passion to the next level. Join the REV program today.

  • GET the Limited Value Added License – $500 

Need a little nudge? Watch these two videos from Suzanne Fortman, the Cincom Smalltalk Program Director and Engineering Manager, as she shares the value and benefits of being a Cincom Smalltalk customer: