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#ESUG16: The Roassal Visualization Engine

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Painting, brushing, interconnecting, zooming, drag and dropping will just make you more intimate with any arbitrary object model. Roassal is used in dozens of commercial or open source projects and is available under the MIT license. This presentation will demonstrate the latest advances of Roassal using Pharo and Cincom® VisualWorks®.
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Name: Alexandre Bergel
Type: Tutorial/Talk/Teaching Pearl

Bio: Alexandre Bergel is Assistant Professor and researcher at the University of Chile. Alexandre Bergel and his collaborators carry out research in software engineering and software quality, more specifically on code profiling, testing and data visualization. Alexandre Bergel has authored over 90 articles, published in international and peer reviewed scientific forums, including the most competitive conferences and journals in the field of software engineering. Alexandre has participated to over 85 program committees of international events. Alexandre has also a strong interest in applying his research results to industry. Several of his research prototypes have been turned into products and adopted by major companies in the semi-conductor industry and certification of critical software systems. Alexandre co-authored the book Deep Into Pharo and Agile Visualization.