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#ESUG16: Hidden Gems in Cincom Smalltalk

Posted on in Categories ESUG, Events, Hidden Gems

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Name: Arden Thomas |
Type: Talk / Demonstration

Bio: Arden Thomas started using Smalltalk in 1986, when he was researching and exploring better ways to do software development…he found it! Since Smalltalk and object-oriented were such a profound improvement for doing software development, he made a full commitment to using Smalltalk and also used Smalltalk in his post-graduate work thesis and projects. Prior to becoming Cincom’s Smalltalk product manager, Arden has done Smalltalk work for IBM, Parcplace Systems, ParcPlace-Digitalk, ObjectShare and a hedge fund in a number of capacities including lead developer, trainer, architect, consultant and sales SE. When not working with Smalltalk, Arden can be found cycling, officiating at swim meets or attending events with his family and children. This year Arden became certified as a USA swimming referee after years as a stroke-and-turn and starting official.