Largest Provider of Commercial Smalltalk
Cincom is one of the largest commercial providers of Smalltalk, with twice as many customers and partners as other commercial providers.

Tom Nies

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Smalltalk Digest: May Edition

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… Looking for a Few Good Smalltalkers!

Cincom is looking for a few good Smalltalkers to join its Cincom Smalltalk Engineering Team. Interested? Click here for more information.

Vancouver Smalltalk Developer Group Conducts Its First Meeting

The Vancouver Smalltalk Developer Group, which was founded on March 31, 2012, conducted its very first meeting on May 16. Although the first meeting has passed, future meetings will soon be scheduled. Click here for the announcement regarding the first meeting.

Business Process Analysis (BPA)

Business Process Analysis (BPA) used to be considered as simply analyzing an organization’s current processes and designing a concept of it through a modeling tool. However, a new demand for BPA capabilities with a somewhat different orientation is also emerging. Click here to see how Cincom Smalltalk is meeting the needs of business users by using this “BPA for the masses” concept.

Building a Business with Cincom Smalltalk

During a recent presentation, Arden Thomas, Cincom Smalltalk Product Manager, and Dirk Verleysen, the Lead Engineer for the Modeling and Mapping Tool of Cincom ObjectStudio, discussed the processes involved in building a business using Cincom Smalltalk. Click here to learn more.

Object Profile Releases Roassal

Object Profile recently announced the release of Roassal―an agile visualization engine that graphically renders objects using short and expressive Smalltalk expressions. Click here to read more about it.

Cincom ObjectStudio Glossary Available

We’re pleased to let you know that there is now a Cincom ObjectStudio Glossary available that includes an alphabetical listing of pertinent Cincom ObjectStudio terms and their definitions—a very handy reference tool. To access the glossary, click here.

The Cincom Smalltalk Academic Program

With a goal of increasing the quality of the available system design and engineering training, providing higher-quality engineers and developers to the industry and users, and Expanding the Smalltalk community, we suggest that you look into the Cincom Smalltalk Academic Program. Click here to read all about it.

New Presentations and Videos Sections Now Available

Are you interested in viewing a presentation or video on a particular subject? We’re happy to report that thanks to the new Presentations section and Video section of the Cincom Smalltalk product website, it’s just gotten a whole lot easier to find what you’re looking for.

Cincom Smalltalk Community Blogs

There are many blogs run by the Cincom Smalltalk Group now. Check them out by clicking here.

Smalltalk News from the Smalltalk Industry Council

There’s a lot going on in the world of Smalltalk these days, and we’re happy to present it to you. Click here to view the latest Smalltalk news courtesy of the Smalltalk Industry Council.

Smalltalk News from the Cincom Smalltalk Team

Click here to get Smalltalk news from the Cincom Smalltalk team.

News Regarding STIC

Click here to view the latest news regarding STIC.

Using Glorp with New Projects that Need to Access Legacy Data

In a presentation by Mark Grinnell, manager of the Cincom ObjectStudio engineering team, and Andreas Hiltner, the lead VM engineer for ObjectStudio, we learn about a medical domain that needs a new web application that must connect to multiple legacy databases. Click here for more information.

The Mapping Tool’s Database Toolset

In this article, Smalltalk Engineer, Dirk Verleysen, takes a look at the database toolset from the Mapping Tool, complete with examples and screen shots. Click here to check out the article.

Smalltalk Performance!

Cincom Smalltalk Product Manager, Arden Thomas, is happy to report that when compared to other dynamic languages, most developers find the performance of Cincom Smalltalk to be more than adequate. In this article, he gives us some notes on approaches for finding performance in Cincom Smalltalk. Click here.

Smalltalk Meets Cubism

Taken from Travis Grigg’s blog, this article discusses Mondrian and an interesting experiment that he’s come up with. Click here to check it out.

May 21-25XP2012 (Malmö, Sweden)

XP2012, with a theme of “Agile by Design,” will be held at Molmö Sweden on May 21-25. Click here to find out more about the conference.

June 4-6SEACON (Hamburg, Germany)

SEACON 2012 will take place in Hamburg, Germany on June 4-6, 2012.  For more information, visit the SEACON 2012 website by clicking here (website is in German).

July 1-4Software Practice Advancement (SPA) Conference (London, UK)

Now in its 16th year, the annual BCS Software Practice Advancement (SPA) conference brings together experts and practitioners to share the latest thinking in software development. This year the conference will take place in the BCS London Offices. Click here for the conference website.

August 27-31, 2012 — ESUG 2012 Conference

ESUG 2012 will be held at Gent, Belgium on August 27-31 with Camp Smalltalk preceding it on August 25-26. Click here for additional information.

Update on Smalltalk Events

Click here for an update on Smalltalk-related events you may want to attend.