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Cincom Celebrates Its 43rd Anniversary while Expanding Awareness

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Expert Access RadioCincom Systems, Inc. has just celebrated its 43rd Anniversary.  A lot has happened in the last 43 years, and Cincom is looking forward to what’s in store for the next 43 years.  In celebration of its anniversary, Cincom is looking at ways to expand awareness for Cincom and Cincom Smalltalk™ within the Smalltalk community and to grow the community outside of the usual channels.

There was a recent discussion on how Cincom can help to promote its partners and partner solutions outside of the Cincom Smalltalk target audience. Suddenly a light bulb went on—Expert Access Radio ( .  You’re probably aware of the award-winning Cincom e-newsletter Expert Access. Well a while back, the same e-newsletter team expanded its reach to radio.

Please take a look at the link for Expert Access Radio, and if this looks like this is something that you’d be interested in, please use the Contact Us button to request an interview slot with the Expert Access Radio Team.

If you’ve written a book, developed a new application, or if you’re launching a current application into a new market, we want to hear from you.  We believe that this is a great venue to expand the reach for our partners and to promote Cincom Smalltalk applications. And, we know that with your enthusiasm, you’ll be a radio star in no time!