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Pharo Glorp Port Released

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OpenDBX Oracle:

  • Seven errors related to blobs, which are not supported by OpenDBX.
  • One failure related to timestamp cast.

OpenDBX MySql:

  • 100% green tests

OpenDBX PostgreSQL:

  • Seven errors and one failure related to blobs, which are not supported by OpenDBX (again).

OpenDBX SQLite:

  • Six failures related to large objects, which are not supported by OpenDBX (again). Two (expected) failures related to times and dates.

Native PostgresV2 Driver:

  • Two failures with blobs

Here are some FAQs that have recently been asked:

What is the difference between this port and the old one?
Almost four years of work from the VW team with tons of bug-fixing. (See the Glorp release notes from the last four years for more details.)

How can I load it?
If you want to load Glorp + OpenDBX, you can try the following:

Gofer it
    squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
    package: 'ConfigurationOfGlorpDBX';
(((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGlorpDBX) perform: #project) perform:
#version: with: #stable) load

Also, you can try loading only Glorp (maybe because you want to integrate it with your own database driver).

Gofer it
    squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
    package: 'ConfigurationOfGlorp';
(((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGlorp) perform: #project) perform:
#version: with: #stable) load

How did you test it?
We’ve tested it in Pharo 1.2 and Pharo 1.3 + Jenkins CogVms.

What’s coming next?
We are working to achieve your satisfaction. Our next step is to release the DBXMagritte project, which aims to allow people working in the software business to create easy CRUD—the same scaffolding idea from RoR for example—including some of the following features:

  • Create a class model + magritte descriptions from a database schema.
  • If you already have a described class model, use magritte descriptions to create a database schema.
  • Use magritte descriptions to create glorp mappings.

Then, you can use the same descriptions for your Seaside app or in every magritte-friendly framework you like.

This project is being sponsored by ESUG (the European Smalltalk User Group).